
Out of school hours care


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Southport State School Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) would like to welcome you and your family to our service. We aim to provide quality care to all families with qualified, professional and caring staff who are dedicated to the children of this service.

This service provides care to children prep through to year 6. This service strives to have a proactive and cooperative relationship with families. Family input, recommendations and feedback regarding the operations of OSHC is valued and encouraged. 

Southport State School P&C OSHC is an approved child care service provider under the Education and Care Services National Law (Provider approval number: QPA-8430).

As a requirement of our license, the centre is required to comply with the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations. These include:

  • the requirements about activities, experiences and programs
  • the numbers of staff members and children
  • staff qualifications
  • following the 'My Time Our Place' National Quality Framework.

This organisation is non-profit and is sponsored by the Southport State School P&C. 

A coordinator is appointed by the P&C and manages the daily operations of the service. Parent’s ideas and suggestions are always welcome and these may be presented at our P&C meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3.15pm in the schools administration building. The service also encourages families to be involved in our ‘Quality Improvement Plan’ and the review of our service policies and procedures.

Parents can ask for information about the following:

  • General description of activities and experiences given by the service.
  • The service’s philosophy about learning and child development outcomes and how it is achieved.
  • The goals about knowledge and skills to be developed through activities and experiences.

This program is designed to meet the needs of all children. We allow them the opportunity to develop social and recreational skills within a safe environment.

At most times of the day, children will have the choice between quiet activities such as arts, crafts, technology and construction play or more active play outdoors such as adventure playground, oval play, dancing, sandpit, sporting events etc.

To join the waitlist, please register for a My Family Lounge account if you don’t have one, if you have an existing My Family Lounge account please sign in.

My Family Lounge

Effective from Wednesday 12th March 2025, the updated fees will be as follows: 
 • Before School Care: $21 per session 
 • After School Care: $27 per session 
 • Vacation Care: $70 per day (Incursion) 
 • Vacation Care: $81 per day (Excursion)

We understand that fee adjustments can have an impact on families, and we have carefully considered this decision to keep the increase as minimal as possible while maintaining the quality of our services. Families receiving Child Care Subsidy (CCS) may see a reduction in out-of-pocket costs, and we encourage you to check your eligibility or update your CCS details if necessary. 

We hope that you find the information package helpful and informative and we look forward to developing a positive and interactive relationship with you and your family. Please contact us for more information.

 Elicha Dennehy​ Coordinator

Last reviewed 28 February 2025
Last updated 28 February 2025